4 Intriguing Ways Your Body Warns You Something Is Wrong

Warning Signs of Sickness

While it might not be most glamorous of topics to read about, your bodily fluids are a very visible way to know if there is something untoward happening inside your body.

In this post, we examine how your urine, sweat, snot, and blood can help you to decipher if there is something wrong with you.

The Colour and Smell of Your Urine

The color of your urine can change throughout the day. However, there are some specific colors of pee that are a clear indicator that something isn’t working correctly.

If you see a dark, orangy-red, or even a bright yellow color when you go to the toilet, this is a sign that you have consumed too much Vitamin C, you are dehydrated, or you have eaten food such as beets that are red in color.

However, if your urine is of a brownish tint, this could indicate a warning sign of a condition called porphyria. If this is coupled with a sensitivity to light or stomach pains, then you should seek medical attention and book an appointment with a Doctor.

If you notice blood in your urine, this might also indicate you have kidney stones or a urinary tract infection (UTI). Alternatively, if you have blood, and there is no pain accompanying this symptom, it could be something more serious such as bladder cancer. Regardless of which, you should book an appointment with your medical provider to try and get to the root cause of the issue.

If your urine is orange, then this is usually a sign that there is something amiss with your liver.

Aside from the visual appearance, if you start to notice a strong smell, then this could also be a clear indicator of an underlying problem. Normal pee is made up mostly of water and shouldn’t give off too much of a smell.

When Your Sweating Could Indicate a Deeper Routed Issue

Sweating is perfectly normal; in fact, it’s healthy. The majority of our sweat is made up of water, but in some cases, it can also be Vitamin C, ammonia, lactic acid, or urea. Contrary to what people believe, sweat is odorless; that is until it connects with bodily bacteria.

If your sweat is a little salty, and you notice white stains or patches where you have been sweating, this is an indication that you need to replenish your sodium levels. A sports drinks, nuts, or pickles are a quick and easy way to do this.

When you exercise, it is expected that you will sweat. However, if you find that you are having a sudden breakout and you aren’t exercising, you should book a visit with your Doctor. In some cases, it could be a sign of a more serious metabolic issue, a pending heart attack, or even cancer.

What the Color of Your Snot Tells You

Depending on how healthy a person you are, your snot can present in a range of colors; from crystal clear to bright green.

When you get a cold, you will find that you are getting a clear and plentiful flow of snot as your body is trying to rid itself of the germs. Within 2-3 days, this could turn yellow or even white. If this happens, it is a positive sign and a good indication that your immune system is functioning normally. If you are not sneezing, then your snot will usually turn into a green color. Although this might not look so pretty, this is a direct result of your white blood cells activating, causing them to produce something called myeloperoxidase; which to you and I, is simply an enzyme that is rich in iron.

Don’t run for the antibiotics; let the cold works it’s way out. If you are still pushing out green snot after two weeks, then you might have developed a bacterial virus called Sinusitis; if you think this might be the case, it’s usually a good time to get seen by a doctor.

Lots of Bleeding

Our blood accounts for around eight percent of our total body weight. As you already know, it serves a range of essential functions, transporting various things around the body; mobbing waste from the liver and kidneys and also helping to move oxygen around our bodies. It does this via hemoglobin, which is found within our red blood cells.

If the levels of hemoglobin are not high enough, this could indicate anemia. Typical signs of this could be being short of breath, dizzy or just generally feeling weak.

Your blood pressure is also something else you need to be mindful of too. The bottom number measures the pressure within your arteries when they are resting, and it should always be under 80. The upper number measures the pressure that is exerted on your arteries when your heart beats, and this should always be under 120.

Anything that sits outside of these thresholds will need to be investigated. Around one-third of all Americans have issues with pre-hypertension or elevated blood pressure, which if left, may result in cardiac or vascular disease.

Another indicator of an underlying issue that can be detected by your blood’s behavior is when it doesn’t clot easily. It can be spotted if you have a cut that isn’t healing or a nosebleed that lasts for longer than normal. This could simply be the result of using anticoagulants or taking aspirin, but it could also be a warning sign of Leukemia. If something doesn’t seem ‘normal,’ it’s always worth getting it checked out as a simple blood test can rule this out.

In Summary

Listening to your body, knowing what is normal, and recognizing when something changes can be critical in detecting health problems as early as possible. If in doubt, talk with your Doctor or medical professional and get their opinion.

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