Category: Uncategorized

4 Intriguing Ways Your Body Warns You Something Is Wrong

4 Intriguing Ways Your Body Warns You Something Is Wrong Warning Signs of Sickness

While it might not be most glamorous of topics to read about, your bodily fluids are a very visible way to know if there is something untoward happening inside your body. In this post, we examine how your urine, sweat, snot, and blood can help you to decipher if there is something wrong with you. […]

How Much Caffeine Is Safe to Consume Each Day?

How Much Caffeine Is Safe to Consume Each Day? how much caffeine a day

Have you ever felt a little guilty that you are drinking too much coffee? If yes, then you’re not alone. Whether it be because you enjoy the taste of it, or most importantly, like many of us, you need a boost of energy during your day; research now suggests that you can actually consume around […]

5 Myths About Food You Probably Think Are True

5 Myths About Food You Probably Think Are True Blog About Food Myths

Some of the most common myths about food that so many people still think are true, come from what can only be termed as ‘old wives tales’; they have withstood the test of time and many people, even to this day, still believe them to be the absolute truth. With advances in science and technology, […]

Physical and Mental Effects of Stress on A Person

Physical and Mental Effects of Stress on A Person blog about dealing with stress

At one point or another, we will all have to deal with some form of stress in our lives. For instance, a sudden trauma might occur that causes a person to feel the effects of stress, we might have to deal with a change in our personal or professional circumstances, and for others, stress can […]

Why Americans Are the Most Stressed Out People in The World

Why Americans Are the Most Stressed Out People in The World Dealing with Stress

Contrary to popular belief, being stressed out doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhappy. However, according to recent statistics, the U.S is one of the highest-ranking nations for levels of stress and anxiety, but why? Read on to find out more about why, as a nation, we are topping the polls for being consistently more stressed out […]

5 Tips to Help You Overcome Depression

5 Tips to Help You Overcome Depression Dealing with depression

When depression sets in, it can present in many different ways. We are all different, and when we start to feel down, this is generally expressed in different ways. For most people who are depressed, getting out, and doing anything becomes a challenge, most people will feel emotionally numb. While some people might not want […]

5 Night-time Habits That Will Completely Transform Your Day!

5 Night-time Habits That Will Completely Transform Your Day! how to sleep better-girl sleeping

It’s no great secret, that if you want to wake up feeling refreshed, well-rested, and ready to take on whatever the day has prepared for you, you need to get a good night’s sleep. However, contrary to popular belief, your morning routine plays a far smaller part in this than you may think. The best […]
